A&H Minerals NV
Your manufacturer of
white calcium silicate


Cat Litter

Water filter medium

Insulation layer

Oil absorption medium

Soil stabilizer & aerator

Our product

A&H Minerals is a manufacturer of white calcium silicate granules in various granulometries.

The white calcium silicate granules are lightweight (350kg/m³), resulting in low consumption of raw materials and energy in production and transportation to the market. Raw materials are locally sourced. The CO2 footprint is therefore favorable.

A&H Minerals calcium silicate has a water absorption of 100%, a low pH (8), strong insulating properties (λ=0.08W/mK), high porosity (>80%), high pressure resistance (0.4N/mm²), and an extreme fire resistance class A1.

Contact Us

Interested in working together? Fill out some info and we will be in touch shortly. We can’t wait to hear from you!